- 实现一个多周期MIPS指令集的CPU,支持包括lw、sw、R-type、addi、beq、bgtz、j等指令。
- 运行一个计算斐波那契数列的程序,初始为3,3。
- ISE 14.7
a) alu模块——算术逻辑单元
b) regfile模块——寄存器文件
c) mux模块和mux4模块——2路和4路选择器
d) IP核生成的Mem模块——存放数据段和代码段
e) nextpclogic模块——计算下一个PC
f) dff模块——D触发器,用于多周期各段寄存
g) control模块——FSM控制regfile、IMem、DMem、nextpclogic和alu
h) top模块——实例化前几个模块,连接各个信号
| 状态 | S15 | S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | S9 | S10 | S11 |
| — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
| 功能信号 | Rst | Start | Instr decode | MM addr | MM read | read WB | MM write | R-type EXE | R-type WB | Beq | Addi EXE | Addi WB | Jump |
| LorD | 0 | 0 | x | x | 1 | x | 1 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| MemRead | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| MemWrite | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| IRWrite | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| RegDst | | x | x | x | x | 0 | x | x | 1 | x | x | 0 | x |
| MemtoReg | | x | x | x | x | 1 | x | x | 0 | x | x | 0 | x |
| RegWrite | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| ALUSrcASel | | 0 | 0 | 1 | x | x | x | 1 | x | 1 | 1 | x | x |
| ALUSrcBSel | | 01 | 11 | 10 | xx | xx | xx | 00 | xx | 00 | 10 | xx | xx |
| ALUControl | | 001 | 001 | 001 | xxx | xxx | xxx | ② | xxx | 010 | 001 | xxx | xxx |
| Branch | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| PCWrite | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
| PCSrc | 11① | 00 | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | 01 | xx | xx | 10 |
slt $t6,$zero,$t1 # if $t1 > 0, that $t6 = 1, else $t6 = 0 addi $t7,$zero,1 # set $t7 = 1 beq $t6,$t7,loop # jump if $t6 = 1, that is to say, $t1 > 0
bgtz $t1, loop # repeat if not finished yet.
IP核选择Block Memory,设置为Single Port RAM,
选中Load Init File设置,选择初始化coe文件的路径,
MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_RADIX=16; MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR= 20080100 200d0150 8dad0000 200b0154 8d6b0000 200c0154 8d8c0004 ad0b0000 ad0c0004 21a9fffe 8d0b0000 8d0c0004 016c5020 ad0a0008 21080004 2129ffff 0009702a 200f0001 11cffff7 08000013 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000014 00000003 00000003 …
.data fibs: .word 0 : 20 # "array" of 20 words to contain fib values size: .word 20 # size of "array" temp: .word 3 3 .text la $t0, fibs # load address of array la $t5, size # load address of size variable lw $t5, 0($t5) # load array size la $t3, temp # load lw $t3, 0($t3) la $t4, temp lw $t4, 4($t4) sw $t3, 0($t0) # F[0] = $t3 sw $t4, 4($t0) # F[1] = $t4 addi $t1, $t5, -2 # Counter for loop, will execute (size-2) times loop: lw $t3, 0($t0) # Get value from array F[n] lw $t4, 4($t0) # Get value from array F[n+1] add $t2, $t3, $t4 # $t2 = F[n] + F[n+1] sw $t2, 8($t0) # Store F[n+2] = F[n] + F[n+1] in array addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment address of Fib. number source addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement loop counter slt $t6,$zero,$t1 # if $t1 > 0, that $t6 = 1, else $t6 = 0 addi $t7,$zero,1 # set $t7 = 1 beq $t6,$t7,loop # jump if $t6 = 1, that is to say, $t1 > 0 out: j out
,循环次数),读取并写入f[0]=3, f[1]=3,然后循环18次,执行f[i]=f[i-1]+f[i-2]计算斐波那契数列。如果CPU编写正确,Mem [0-19](由于Data和Text在同一个Ram,故实际上是在64-83)内容将是3、3、6、9、15、24、39、63、102、165、267、432、699、1131、1830、2961、4791、7752、12543、20295
- “==”会严格匹配每一位,比如module内5位数字比较(一个常量,一个input),但外部传入的是3位的,高位自动拓展好像是x,就导致“==”不成立,这是一个不好发现的问题。
- 仿真遇到高阻态,多半是这个信号不存在,经常是拼写错了,有时候ise检查不出来。
- 发现如果Mars的memory configuration设置为默认,则编译后导出代码里面的所有la(给某个寄存器赋值一个32位地址)被翻译为连续两句lui和ori;若memory configuration设置为text at address 0则编译后导出代码里面的所有la被翻译为一句addi。我觉得原因是text地址从0 开始的话,如果text部分较短,地址非0部分未超过16位,那么la只需要给低16位赋值就行了,就可以直接用addi实现(addi指令末16位为立即数)。如果地址是实打实的32位那addi就无能为力了,这时候需要lui给高16位赋值,低16位用ori(ori的rs取$0,作用就和addi一样)。
- 在top里的wire信号,如果通过control模块(或其他模块)进行控制,那么这个信号不能直接在top里赋初值,要到仿真模块里赋值,不然control里改变这个信号的值时,会变成不确定。
- 在clk边缘用<=对某信号(如state)进行赋值时,如果同时刻需要对该信号进行判断(如状态机,根据状态以完成对应操作),则判断时信号的值是本次改变前的。(非阻塞赋值的特性体现)
- top.v
module top( //顶层模块 input clk, input rst_n, ); wire ALUSrcASel; wire [1:0] ALUSrcBSel; wire [31:0] ALUSrcA; wire [31:0] ALUSrcB; wire [2:0] ALUControl; wire [31:0] ALUResult; wire [31:0] ALUResult_DFF; //加_DFF表示对应D触发器的输出,下同 wire Zero; wire [31:0] SignExtented; wire [5:0] RegRdaddr1; wire [31:0] RegRdout1; wire [31:0] RegRdout1_DFF; wire [5:0] RegRdaddr2; wire [31:0] RegRdout2; wire [31:0] RegRdout2_DFF; wire [5:0] RegWdaddr; wire [31:0] RegWdin; wire RegWrite; wire RegDst; wire [31:0] Memaddr_src; //这是计算出来的访存地址 wire [31:0] Memaddr; //这是计算出来的访存地址右移了两位,原因见下面 wire [31:0] Memout; wire [31:0] Memin; wire MemRead; wire MemWrite; wire MemtoReg; wire [31:0] Instr; wire [31:0] Data; wire [31:0] PC; wire [31:0] nextPC; wire PCEn; wire PCWrite; wire LorD; wire IRWrite; wire [5:0] Funct; wire [15:0] IMM16; wire [4:0] Rd; wire [4:0] Rt; wire [4:0] Rs; wire [5:0] Op; wire [25:0] JumpIMM; wire [1:0] PCSrc; wire Branch; //以上信号基本按数据通路图的命名,意义很明显,不多做注释了 //=======================PC======================== nextpclogic nextpclogic(PC,PCWrite,PCSrc,JumpIMM,Branch,Zero,ALUResult,ALUResult_DFF,nextPC,PCEn); dff DFFPC(~clk,nextPC,PC,PCEn); mux MUXPCALUout(LorD,PC,ALUResult_DFF,Memaddr_src); //=======================Memory======================== assign Memaddr = Memaddr_src >> 2;//>>2是因为这里Mem是每个地址存储4字节,和实际上的(一地址一字节)不一样 Mem Mem(clk,MemWrite,Memaddr,Memin,Memout); dff DFFInstr(~clk,Memout,Instr,IRWrite); dff DFFData(~clk,Memout,Data,1'b1); assign JumpIMM = Instr[25:0]; assign Funct = Instr[5:0]; assign IMM16 = Instr[15:0]; assign Rd = Instr[15:11]; assign Rt = Instr[20:16]; assign Rs = Instr[25:21]; assign Op = Instr[31:26]; assign Memin = RegRdout2_DFF; //=======================Regfile======================== assign RegRdaddr1 = Rs; assign RegRdaddr2 = Rt; mux #(6) MUXRegWdaddr(RegDst,{1'b0,Rt},{1'b0,Rd},RegWdaddr); mux MUXMemtoReg(MemtoReg,ALUResult_DFF,Data,RegWdin); regfile regfile(clk,rst_n,RegRdaddr1,RegRdout1,RegRdaddr2,RegRdout2,RegWdaddr,RegWdin,RegWrite); dff DFFRegRdout1(~clk,RegRdout1,RegRdout1_DFF,1'b1); dff DFFRegRdout2(~clk,RegRdout2,RegRdout2_DFF,1'b1); //=========================ALU========================== assign SignExtented = {{16{IMM16[15]}},IMM16}; mux MUXALUSrcA(ALUSrcASel,PC,RegRdout1_DFF,ALUSrcA); mux4 MUXALUSrcB(ALUSrcBSel,RegRdout2_DFF,4,SignExtented,SignExtented << 2,ALUSrcB); alu alu(ALUSrcA,ALUSrcB,{2'b00,{ALUControl}},ALUResult,Zero,Sign); dff DFFALUResult(~clk,ALUResult,ALUResult_DFF,1'b1); //=======================Control======================== control control(clk,rst_n,Op,Funct,LorD,MemRead,MemWrite,IRWrite,RegDst,MemtoReg,RegWrite,ALUSrcASel,ALUSrcBSel,ALUControl,Branch,PCWrite,PCSrc,tcstate); endmodule
- alu.v
parameter A_NOP =5'h00; //nop parameter A_ADD =5'h01; //sign_add parameter A_SUB =5'h02; //sign_sub parameter A_AND =5'h03; //and parameter A_OR =5'h04; //or parameter A_XOR =5'h05; //xor parameter A_NOR =5'h06; //nor parameter A_SLT =5'h07; //slt module alu( input [31:0] alu_a, input [31:0] alu_b, input [4:0] alu_op, output reg [31:0] alu_out, output zero ); assign zero = (alu_out == 32'b0)?1:0; always@(*) case (alu_op) A_NOP: alu_out = 0; A_ADD: alu_out = alu_a + alu_b; A_SUB: alu_out = alu_a - alu_b; A_AND: alu_out = alu_a & alu_b; A_OR : alu_out = alu_a | alu_b; A_XOR: alu_out = alu_a ^ alu_b; A_NOR: alu_out = ~(alu_a | alu_b); A_SLT: //if a<b(signed) return 1 else return 0; begin if(alu_a[31] == alu_b[31]) alu_out = (alu_a < alu_b) ? 32'b1 : 32'b0; //同号情况,后面的小于是视为无符号的比较 else alu_out = (alu_a[31] < alu_b[31]) ? 32'b0 : 32'b1; //有符号比较符号 end default: ; endcase endmodule
- regfile.v
module regfile( //寄存器文件 input clk, input rst_n, input [5:0] rAddr1,//读地址1 output [31:0] rDout1,//读数据1 input [5:0] rAddr2,//读地址2 output [31:0] rDout2,//读数据2 input [5:0] wAddr,//写地址 input [31:0] wDin,//写数据 input wEna//写使能 ); reg [31:0] data [0:63]; integer i; assign rDout1=data[rAddr1];//读1 assign rDout2=data[rAddr2];//读2 always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)//写和复位 if(~rst_n) begin for(i=0; i<64; i=i+1) data[i]<=0; end else begin if(wEna) data[wAddr]<=wDin; end endmodule
- nextpclogic.v
module nextpclogic( //生成下一个PC input [31:0] PC, input PCWrite, input [1:0] PCSrc, input [25:0] JumpIMM, input Branch, input Zero, input [31:0] ALUResult, input [31:0] ALUResult_DFF, output [31:0] nextPC, output PCEn ); wire [31:0] ShiftLeft2; wire [31:0] PCJump; wire tmp; assign ShiftLeft2 = JumpIMM << 2; assign PCJump = {{PC[31:28]},{{2'b00,JumpIMM}<<2}}; mux4="" muxpc(pcsrc,aluresult,aluresult_dff,pcjump,0,nextpc);="" and(tmp,branch,zero);="" or(pcen,tmp,pcwrite);="" endmodule="" <="" code="">2}};>
- dff.v
module dff #(parameter WIDTH = 32) ( //Data Flip-Flop input clk, input [WIDTH-1:0] datain, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dataout, input en ); always@(posedge clk) begin if(en) dataout <= datain; end endmodule
- mux.v
module mux #(parameter WIDTH = 32)( //2路选择器 input sel, input [WIDTH-1:0] d0, input [WIDTH-1:0] d1, output [WIDTH-1:0] out ); assign out = (sel == 1'b1 ? d1 : d0); endmodule
- mux4.v
module mux4 #(parameter WIDTH = 32)( //4路选择器 input [1:0] sel, input [WIDTH-1:0] d0, input [WIDTH-1:0] d1, input [WIDTH-1:0] d2, input [WIDTH-1:0] d3, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] out ); always@(*) case(sel) 2'b00: out=d0; 2'b01: out=d1; 2'b10: out=d2; 2'b11: out=d3; default:; endcase endmodule
module control( //控制模块,各信号的控制
input clk,rst_n,
input [5:0] Op, //instr[31:26]
input [5:0] Funct,//instr[5:0]
output reg LorD,
output reg MemRead,
output reg MemWrite,
output reg IRWrite,
output reg RegDst,
output reg MemtoReg,
output reg RegWrite,
output reg ALUSrcASel,
output reg [1:0] ALUSrcBSel,
output reg [2:0] ALUControl,
output reg Branch,
output reg PCWrite,
output reg [1:0] PCSrc,
output [3:0] tcstate
reg [3:0] cstate;
reg [3:0] nstate;assign tcstate=cstate;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)//上升沿改变状态if(~rst_n) cstate <= 4'd15;//reset状态 else cstate <= nstate;
always @(*)//计算次态
case(cstate) 4'd15://reset nstate = 4'd0; 4'd0://fetch nstate = 4'd1; 4'd1://decode case(Op) 6'b000000: nstate = 4'd6;//R type 6'b100011: nstate = 4'd2;//lw 6'b101011: nstate = 4'd2;//sw 6'b000100: nstate = 4'd8;//beq 6'b000010: nstate = 4'd9;//jump 6'b001000: nstate = 4'd10;//addi endcase 4'd2: //memaddr case(Op) 6'b100011: nstate = 4'd3;//lw 6'b101011: nstate = 4'd5;//sw endcase 4'd3: //memread nstate = 4'd4; 4'd4: //memwriteback nstate = 4'd0; 4'd5: //memwrite nstate = 4'd0; 4'd6: //execute nstate = 4'd7; 4'd7: //aluwriteback nstate = 4'd0; 4'd8: //branch nstate = 4'd0; 4'd9: //jump nstate = 4'd0; 4'd10: //addi execute nstate = 4'd11; 4'd11: //addi writeback nstate = 4'd0; endcase
always @(negedge clk or negedge rst_n)//下降沿时,根据次态,更改信号
if(~rst_n)begin LorD = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'b11; //nextPC=0; 利用4路选择器的剩余1路 PCWrite = 1'b1; end
case(nstate) 4'd0://fetch begin LorD = 1'b0; //------Memaddr: PC MemRead = 1'b1; //------enable Mem read MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b1; //------enable save Instr RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b0; //------srcA: PC ALUSrcBSel = 2'b01; //------srcB: 4 ALUControl = 3'b001; //------ALU's func: add Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b1; //------enable update PC PCSrc = 2'b00; //------select nextPC=PC+4 end 4'd1://decode begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b0; //------srcA: PC ALUSrcBSel = 2'b11; //------srcB: SignExtended<<2 ALUControl = 3'b001; //------ALU's func: add Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd2: //memaddr begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b1; //------srcA: RegRdout1_DFF ALUSrcBSel = 2'b10; //------srcB: SignExtended ALUControl = 3'b001; //------ALU's func: add Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd3: //memread begin LorD = 1'b1; //------Memaddr: ALUResult_DFF MemRead = 1'b1; //------enable Mem read MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd4: //memwriteback begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'b0; //------RegWdaddr: Rt MemtoReg = 1'b1; //------RegWdin: Memout RegWrite = 1'b1; //------enable Reg write ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd5: //memwrite begin LorD = 1'b1; //------Memaddr: ALUResult_DFF MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b1; //------enable Mem write IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd6: //R type execute begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b1; //------srcA: RegRdout1_DFF ALUSrcBSel = 2'b00; //------srcB: RegRdout2_DFF case(Funct) //------ALU's func: decided by 'Funct' 6'b100000: ALUControl = 5'h01;//add 6'b100010: ALUControl = 5'h02;//sub 6'b100100: ALUControl = 5'h03;//and 6'b100101: ALUControl = 5'h04;//or 6'b100110: ALUControl = 5'h05;//xor 6'b100111: ALUControl = 5'h06;//nor 6'b101010: ALUControl = 5'h07;//slt endcase Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd7: //aluwriteback begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'b1; //------RegWdaddr: Rd MemtoReg = 1'b0; //------RegWdin: ALUResult_DFF RegWrite = 1'b1; //------enable Reg write ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd8: //branch begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b1; //------srcA: RegRdout1_DFF ALUSrcBSel = 2'b00; //------srcB: RegRdout2_DFF ALUControl = 3'b010; //------ALU's func: sub Branch = 1'b1; //------enable update PC if beq PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'b01; //------select nextPC = ALUResult_DFF(PCBeq) end 4'd9: //jump begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b1; //------enable update PC PCSrc = 2'b10; //------select nextPC = PCJump end 4'd10: //addi execute begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'bx; MemtoReg = 1'bx; RegWrite = 1'b0; ALUSrcASel = 1'b1; //------srcA: RegRdout1_DFF ALUSrcBSel = 2'b10; //------srcB: SignExtended ALUControl = 3'b001; //------ALU's func: add Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end 4'd11: //addi regwriteback begin LorD = 1'bx; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite = 1'b0; IRWrite = 1'b0; RegDst = 1'b0; //------RegWdaddr: Rt MemtoReg = 1'b0; //------RegWdin: ALUResult_DFF RegWrite = 1'b1; //------enable Reg write ALUSrcASel = 1'bx; ALUSrcBSel = 2'bxx; ALUControl = 3'bxxx; Branch = 1'b0; PCWrite = 1'b0; PCSrc = 2'bxx; end endcase
- test.v ```verilog module test; // Inputs reg clk; reg rst_n; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) top uut ( .clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n), ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 1; // rst_n = 1; #100; // rst_n = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; rst_n = 1; forever begin #10; clk=~clk; end // Add stimulus here end endmodule